Art as truth, art as politics?

The painting in front of you and the painting behind you portray the events of 27 July 1361 in entirely different ways.

“Valdemar Atterdag brandskattar Visby den 27 juli 1361” (Valdemar Atterdag plunders Visby on 27 July 1361) – painted by Carl Gustaf Hellqvist 1882 – shows how the citizens of the town are victims to the pillaging of the conquering King Valdemar and his men.

“Vi på muren” (We on the wall) – by Sven “X:et” Erixson 1942 – accuses the citizens of passively standing on the wall and watching the slaughter of Gotland’s farmers at the hands of King Valdemar’s soldiers.

Is there any truth in the pictures?